Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nostalgic #1

Its the first day of Nov
Time really flies when you're busy or not keeping track on it
Pretty soon, i'll be busy passing up our assignments, prepare our presentations & sit for exams
Me & my friends' 2 year course will be coming to an end soon

Thinking back now, a lot of things had happened during this 2 years
I still remember the day i start living away from the safety and comfort of the nice cocoon that i call home
The turmoil of emotions i felt at that time
The uncertainty, the fear of the unknown future, the nervousness of starting anew in a new environment
I was like a jumble of mess at that time

I consider myself quite lucky actually
Having the opportunity to pursue my tertiary education
Even though its costly and a burden to my parents
I'm very grateful to them

I still remember the 1st night sleeping away from home
It was difficult for me to fall asleep that night
Not only because of unfamiliar surroundings
I also missed the comfort that can only be found from my family

I remember tears welled up in my eyes due to fear
Certain that i can't carry on like this, i called up a friend of mine
I told her my situation, my feelings, and my worries
Being the good friend she was, she listened to me patiently & consoled me

She told me that it was the same for her
She went through the same road before i did
So she understands what i'm going through at that time
And told me that this is just the beginning, and tomorrow will be different

I guess i just need to express myself to someone at that time
Or just trying to get rid of the fear and worries i felt at that time
But it really helped me after pouring it all out
Because there was no tears present after that

Thereafter i've started my university life
My housemates are all alright overall
And i start to familiarized myself with my new surroundings
I think i started on the right track, so i'm glad

During my orientation week, i got to know a few friends
Along with a housemate of mine, they're studying a different course from mine
I was feeling a bit worried, that i've not met anyone having the same class as mine
But soon the feeling was lifted when i met Jasmine, a close & good friend of mine in University

It was a huge relief that i felt when i found out that Jasmine is in the same class with me
I thought, "At last, a companion and my 1st friend who's also a classmate."
That is when i've made up my mind to be good friends with her
And to accompany each other through our new life here


Jasmine said...

u make me cry when i read wat u hav write,coz i also remember the 1st time stay away from my home,luckily i met u......i still remember when u tel me tat v r in the same class,i felt happy than my brother said i'm crazy!!!LOLX

Tennie Kaylie said...

lolx i nearly cried myself when typing too. Just got the feeling of putting it down to words all dat i can remember during dis 2 years. This is only part 1 =P Still got a lot haven write down yet. hehehe

Jasmine said...

wait for ur story ya!!!LOLX

solidleong said...

It was by sheer co-incidence that i manage to browse yr blogspot last nite. And after seeing what u write up i know that you have grown up. As far as me and mom are concern u are still our little baby. At least we know understand yr emotion and your thoughts but be strong to face the challenges ahead. Your parents will support you all the way. We are proud of you but dun pressure yourself. Just try your best and we will be satisfied. Nothing is more precious than family love. All 3 of us in kk loves you as always. take k.